
Showing posts from October, 2018

ePortfolio Post 4 Living Room

Ragalla Seliby-Kaplan Assignment: Living Room Progress 4 Final Final Image When concluding this project with remaking the chairs I feel it came out much better. When working on this project I lost a lot of time due to illness and having to go back home for practically a week spending it bed written but I feel I manage to make up for it with a more simple approach to my room. The ceiling and the ceiling lights were a big change. The idea of a ceiling fan was a bit difficult to model with each side needing to be perfectly angled so I changed it to cone ceiling lights that can illuminate a room but avoiding the who angle fans. I gave the room a feeling of emptiness and from light coming from outside to capture the feeling of a house at night with the lights off with the moonlight illuminating the place. Reference Image One thing I wanted to do but could not was curtains as I feel that I currently lack the skill to pull something like that off. The posters were simpl...

ePortfolio Post 3 Living Room

Ragalla Seliby-Kaplan Assignment: Living Room Progress 3 When working on the assignment for this week I focused on lighting and where I would position it. I thought of putting the light source outside as to give it a light from the darkness shining through the window but that didn’t work out as best as I wanted it to as not all of the room was light up. Wall Textures, slightly edited to look a bit less new but not old. I removed several objects from the scene as I am planning on remaking the chairs, due to issues with beveling not working for some reason. This occurred with several more of the objects with problems that needed to be re made and beveled over again but I feel it necessary as not doing it again would cause issues. Floor textures edited to look cleaner. Regarding textures I didn’t come up with any issues due to only needing one face, having to UV the sides that won’t be shown in the scene won’t be a problem thus making UV more simple. I will how...

ePortfolio Post 2 Living Room Progress

Name: Ragalla Seliby-Kaplan Assignment: Living Room Reference Image I plan on making some alteration and unique interpretations to this design like incooperating a third wall, including a TV or adding a ceiling light. I plan on having 2 main light sources. The outside sun from the perspective of the window and my added ceiling light. The current light I have is outside the image for the sake of posting my progress. My render scene I added wall and floor textures which was pretty simple as I only needed one face versus several faces such as with a 3D object. Because the floor is flat I can treat it as a 2D object. The three large rectangles on the wall will be where I place the windows and outside it a 3rd light to capture more accurate shadows. The squares on the other side of the wall will be pictures with the inner square being where I will UV in the image. I plan on curving out the couches as they are still blocks but I placed them and sized them according to what they ...

ePortfolio Post Living Room Progress 1

Ragalla Seliby-Kaplan Assignment Living Room This image is my reference for what I plan on doing but with some differences here and their as changes to potential lighting and object placement to make it look like one complete image. The overall project will not be a one for one recreation and I will be taking liberties with this project. I want to create a basic living room, something you could realistically seen in a middle/ upper middle class house. This is the overall skeleton of my assignment but it is subject to change in the near future. I plan on doing something simple such as a couch, windows, and maybe a TV set. I was planning on being creative when constructing the ceiling and potentially adding other objects to the scene.

Grocery Shelf

Ragalla Seliby-Kaplan Assignment: Grocery Shelf The Grocery Shelf assignment was the first big assignment I had in this class and required several days of work and preparation to get done. The base shelf was simple enough just using squares and rectangles overlapping to make a basic two leveled shelf. The texture was some simple online texture with smooth wooded texture to get how it look. I rather choose a smooth metallic surface of black to get it to contrast with the items. The boxes I sued were all based on the box from the cereal assignment but resizing the various boxes to fit the requirement for each one. Using the online box art sight, I used various box arts to make each individual item. I did clone each of the boxes to fill out the shelf because using only 6 items would seem a bit weird but still filled the requirement. The sides that were not complete but only containing maybe the front and back allowed me to fill in the spaces that were not put on the sight....

Pudding Box and Pasta

Name: Ragalla Seliby-Kaplan Assignment: Pudding Box and Pasta   The Cereal Box and Pasta assignment was simple but was also another assignment I couldn’t complete due to some inconvenience with some instructor reformatting a computer I was working on. In the end I could only finish the cereal box but was simple enough to complete. Using the UV and the box template that was already laid out for me I simple cut and resized the UV to get the right faces for each corner of the box. That part was simple and using the bevel to better get the edges to make it more authentic had me follow some of the older tutorials. I guess for this assignment it was quick and didn’t require that much hassle.

Wine Bottle

Name: Ragalla Seliby-Kaplan Assingnment Wine Bottle The Wine Bottle assignment required us to use an image presented in class to recreate a 3D w ith Maya. The issue was that I was not their for that class so I didn’t get the exact image for this assignment and missed the turn it. To fix this I got a wine bottle image online that looked similar enough for me to work with. I feel as though it allowed me to do the assignment for the eportfolio work. Using edge tools to make this bottle was interesting as I had to place points at right locations to get the curves to come out right but in the end I found this to be a great tool when later developing my shelf and the bottles for it. I didn’t think we only needed to map one side in order to get it to come out symmetrical but I really don’t get how Maya works on a detail leave. Regarding my texture I used basic Maya coloring to get the bottle to have a nice shine on it but applying the bottle images to make it more authentic was...

Table and Chair

Name: Ragalla Seliby-Kaplan Assignment: Table and Chair The Table and Chair assignment required us to create a table and chair set and create realistic textures and imprint them on our polygons. Using the UV editor, we found actual textures online and altered them in photoshop to make them look more realistic. We main used square polygons to create both chair and table and where told to keep it simple and within our creative ranges but could experiment somewhat with texturing and how many chairs for the table set. I had issues with the UV at first as applying textures requires us to manage tiny details on the UV to make the textures look natural. The emphasis was on making the checkboard UV “squares,” as anything else would come off as unnatural. The checkboard UV and viewing allowed me to adjust in real time, but I soon learned that each face effects the others so manipulating them separately was the ideal method.  Another issue was measuring as I had a real chair...


Name: Ragalla Seliby-Kaplan Assignment: Marker The marker assignment required us to create a marker like what our instructor provided which was a basic instructor marker you can easily find at the store. With the use of edge loops, we cared out the basic curves of a marker and had to create a separate shape for the cap but using a new method to create the indentions in the marker cap while also being neatly spaced out. We imported a 2d image in order to work on this assignment which manage to help creating it much simpler. This assignment I had issues with as I couldn’t full complete it as much as I wanted to before the deadline. The first issue I encounter was the cap and how to indent the curves into it using the method provided. The lines on my polygon model where misshaped and curved in all the wrong areas which made it harder to indent curves and it comes off as lopsided. The second issue was lighting I feel its too dark to see much but you can still make out my assig...


Ragalla Seliby-Kaplan Assignment Name: Primitives Image 1 This assignment required us to create an image in Maya using basic polygons such as squares and circles. My intention was to create a small house with tree on a green grass plain which I feel I manage to accomplish. Using basic shapes to communicates bushes and trees were a bit of a stretch but creating the house was simple enough. The colors I primarily used were brown to indicate wood and green to indicate grass or tree leaves. I overplayed squares on rectangles to create the windows and used a reduced polygon count triangle to make the roof, but I feel it’s a bit crooked. The tress was made using cylinders as a base and layers of circles for the leaf turfs on the tip. The focal point of the image is the house as it is placed firmly in the center of the image with everything surrounding it and the light being focused on it which I feel like I managed to convey easily enough. I used two different lig...