ePortfolio Post 4 Living Room

Ragalla Seliby-Kaplan Assignment: Living Room Progress 4 Final Final Image When concluding this project with remaking the chairs I feel it came out much better. When working on this project I lost a lot of time due to illness and having to go back home for practically a week spending it bed written but I feel I manage to make up for it with a more simple approach to my room. The ceiling and the ceiling lights were a big change. The idea of a ceiling fan was a bit difficult to model with each side needing to be perfectly angled so I changed it to cone ceiling lights that can illuminate a room but avoiding the who angle fans. I gave the room a feeling of emptiness and from light coming from outside to capture the feeling of a house at night with the lights off with the moonlight illuminating the place. Reference Image One thing I wanted to do but could not was curtains as I feel that I currently lack the skill to pull something like that off. The posters were simpl...