
Name: Ragalla Seliby-Kaplan
Assignment: Marker

The marker assignment required us to create a marker like what our instructor provided which was a basic instructor marker you can easily find at the store. With the use of edge loops, we cared out the basic curves of a marker and had to create a separate shape for the cap but using a new method to create the indentions in the marker cap while also being neatly spaced out. We imported a 2d image in order to work on this assignment which manage to help creating it much simpler.

This assignment I had issues with as I couldn’t full complete it as much as I wanted to before the deadline. The first issue I encounter was the cap and how to indent the curves into it using the method provided. The lines on my polygon model where misshaped and curved in all the wrong areas which made it harder to indent curves and it comes off as lopsided. The second issue was lighting I feel its too dark to see much but you can still make out my assignment with inadequate lighting.

Where I feel I got most of it right was the marker base and its overall shape. I managed to follow along and make a reasonable tip and manage to color the base of the marker without splashing all of it. In the end I’m not proud how this assignment turned out but did manage to pick up a few useful tools for later projects.


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