Grocery Shelf

Ragalla Seliby-Kaplan
Assignment: Grocery Shelf

The Grocery Shelf assignment was the first big assignment I had in this class and required several days of work and preparation to get done. The base shelf was simple enough just using squares and rectangles overlapping to make a basic two leveled shelf. The texture was some simple online texture with smooth wooded texture to get how it look. I rather choose a smooth metallic surface of black to get it to contrast with the items.
The boxes I sued were all based on the box from the cereal assignment but resizing the various boxes to fit the requirement for each one. Using the online box art sight, I used various box arts to make each individual item. I did clone each of the boxes to fill out the shelf because using only 6 items would seem a bit weird but still filled the requirement. The sides that were not complete but only containing maybe the front and back allowed me to fill in the spaces that were not put on the sight.

The syrup bottles were a bit more of a challenge which I work on with help with other students. We each did our own work, but I did ask for help from other students that had an easier time than I did and how to best make and UV the syrup bottles as the tutorials were a bit hard for me to follow. They told me to use a similar method when making the wine bottles as I was making the syrup bottles and while Using and Beveling was a hassle I feel like it came out better than I expected it to.

The main issue I had was UVing the syrup bottles however and couldn’t get the labels to come off more naturally. In the end I say the assignment was an overall success but if I could redo it I make the syrup bottles a top priority instead of doing them last as they were the most time consuming.


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