DND Map 2 Version 2 Tiered Feedback

Ragalla Seliby-Kaplan

Regarding the group mapping I say we had a clear idea of what we were going to make. The idea of a level by level prison escape speaks for itself as the ideas just flowed naturally. We all took our existing levels and see how we could remake them into something on a scale of low to high difficulty. We planned on making a shared document where we could create our levels separately and then have the other critique the general layout as each one of us was aiming for a beginner, intermediate, and final level design map course. That way we can work on our own time, show off our levels, remake them if they conflict, come up with new ideas to share for board design, and coordinate accordingly. In this sense we manage to stay on top of our design all together and avoid repetitive map layout and avoid conflicting ideas so our make could make and contain a linear and consistent story.

What went wrong however was the timing of it all. We only had about two days to work on it along with our classes on top of that. While we did coordinate with each other we had little time to do intricate map critiques and thus had to go with a more prototype design that had a couple of inconsistencies that we tried to avoid during playtesting. We manage to coordinate on the final day and shared some of our items that the other teammate left or forgot but due to time constraints and very little meat up opportunities we could not playtest it yourself or work out a consistent scenario that we could all agree on.

Next time I say more condonation and time to work on our maps would be appreciated such as having the critiques not be over the weekend and instead allowing us to be assigned a map on Thursday so we can work on it and have it ready for Tuesday. I also suggest we all use the same website when creating a map so that our map sizes won’t be inconsistent but that is a personal gripe, I had with the group project.

The enemy placement, levels, and flow of gameplay wasn’t an issue for us because using existing maps but altering them for this assignment means that our time was overall consistent with previous designs and when we did brush up against time constraints, we just skipped over some of the attempting hurdles. Regarding difficulty we have a rather steep curve unfortunate with mine level being to easy and the game just spiking in difficulty following afterword’s due to our coordination issues. When making a second level I might have to increase the difficulty to avoid making the game boring and too easy as I felt the first level being easy was a good thing, but a lack of challenge avoided preparing the following players for their eventually bosses and challenges my other teammates would create on their own. 

The process on working on a map developed team assignment however was a learning experience that I would like to do again provided we are given a bit more time to work on it rather than just two days. We have a plan on what we could do next and being able to meat up on our own time over the weekend and email each other back to back would help tremendously in creating an overall better gaming experience for players and ourselves when it comes to game design. I know this was intentional, but I really feel with another attempt we can get it right.


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